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Good morning purchase manager,
Very nice to meet you here!
I cherish this opportunity to write you as you will be busy with your work.My name is jason ding from CNBM international corporation which is higly reconginzed as fortune globe 500 company. we own your email address from google and already check your website before sending you this letter. we know that your company has been in solar industry for years.and our company is mainly focus on manufacturer of solar cells and panels with professional team.last year, we had produced more than 1MW solar panels and it is popluar selling over africa, USA Europe and indonesia. we sincerely wish we also could cooperate with each other to meet mutual benefit.
Tell me if you need any information of products or any financial support for developing your business.
for more info, plz visit our website: or add me skype as below
Many thanks
Jason Ding
sales manager
whatsapp:+86 18704016992
linkedin:Jason Ding
Address: No.2, Zizhuyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Post Code:100044

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